Saturday, June 26, 2010

Target and Five Guys

Yesterday night, while my brother was at my cousin Ben's baseball game, my mom and I went to Target. We bought some basic camp stuff like boxes and storage organizers, a tooth brush, water, etc. Then, my aunt texted my mom and said they were going to Five Guys. Since my mom and I were just standing around, (I was enjoying a small blue raspberry Icee from and employee at their food stand. Though it was closed, the guy heard my talking about how I wanted one, and opened it up for me! YAY!) ANYWAY, since Five Guys was like, 2 minutes away, we met my cousins and my brother there. (That's when I had the fries.) I love the Five Guys peanuts! Yum! That was the last time I saw my cousins before camp. The picture below symbolizes SLEEP away camp. Get it? Haha. Corny, I know. But its all I got. K?

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