Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Finally (again)

I've been reading this book a lot lately...and its awesome! Poor Rory, (main character) she has gotten injuries head to toe. cuts on her legs, a cut in her eye, swelling face, pussy ear, bleh! AND, she had a killer rabbit that tried to choke her to death! Jake Hallaway, the BIGGEST actor of her generation films a movie at her school and she makes friends with him! Rory gets a cell phone and a lame IM screen name. (Rory) But, she's excited to finally get these things. She almost got contacts that made her eyes green to brown, but they didn't work. GTG, STUDY for LAR. UGH! (Just taking a break, mom. Don't worry). BYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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