Saturday, November 28, 2009

November's quote of the month

Hey everyone! The quote of the month for November is....

If you're sad, make yourself glad.
If you're happy, hug your pappy.

This quote is hidden somewhere in my blog!
The first one to find it wins!
If you find it, comment on this post saying where you found it!
I'll tell you if you're right!


  1. here's the first clue.

    its a writing about a post,
    the post is about what you feel most.

    (its a poem)

  2. I looked and can't find it. Can't wait for the next clue!

  3. Clue #2
    its in this month of November
    find it if you can remember...

    all of the clues!

  4. Clue #3
    It's a quote
    That'll rock your boat
    with me saying hi to you!

  5. since nobody has found it yet, the search will keep continuing until someone does!
