Sunday, May 16, 2010

Gossip on me and Pie.

You can also find this EXACT info on my page on Sachel's Blog, on my page!!!

Here's some gossip on me and pie:
Pie and I were dating, then we got married, then we got a divorce. Then, all my friends at the wedding and I ate him. Then, was dating cupcakes. But, I realized that cupcakes' sprinkles were too sweet. He was always too nice. I wanted pie back. So, I started dating Pie's brother, and found out my friend, Lily was also dating him. I was very mad at him, so I stole Lily's other boyfriend, Pie's cousin. Lily was left with no one, and now I have a VERY awesome boyfriend.
I'll update this more later with more gossip on me and Pie!!!!! Also, look on my blog for more!!!! :)

I know, thats VERY juicy!! I hope Pie proposes soon. I think we're getting really CLOSE!!!!!

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