Read my blog because I talk about random elements of daily life, performances, club penguin, hello kitty, the books i'm reading, and all the other awesome things in the world!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Target and Five Guys
Yesterday night, while my brother was at my cousin Ben's baseball game, my mom and I went to Target. We bought some basic camp stuff like boxes and storage organizers, a tooth brush, water, etc. Then, my aunt texted my mom and said they were going to Five Guys. Since my mom and I were just standing around, (I was enjoying a small blue raspberry Icee from and employee at their food stand. Though it was closed, the guy heard my talking about how I wanted one, and opened it up for me! YAY!) ANYWAY, since Five Guys was like, 2 minutes away, we met my cousins and my brother there. (That's when I had the fries.) I love the Five Guys peanuts! Yum! That was the last time I saw my cousins before camp. The picture below symbolizes SLEEP away camp. Get it? Haha. Corny, I know. But its all I got. K?

Pool and Sammy
My family went to the pool today, and I had a lot of fun playing with my brother! At the snack bar, I got fries, and then realized that I had fries last night and my mom was mad. (Whoops!) Later, I saw my friend Sammy and we talked about camp. She's leaving tomorrow. Remember bloggers, I leave on TUESDAY!!
Straight A's
I got straight A's for final grades on my report card. YAY!!! :) That means I'll be in accelerated LAR and Math! I sent a bunch of people an email about this, and I spelled accelerated "excelerated!" LOL! My cousin Max replied and said, "Thank goodness there wasn’t an option to be in accelerated spelling… it’s spelled accelerated" Grrrr....that made me angry. It was funny though, because I was talking about how I got into accel, and spelled the word wrong! (LOL, nerdy grammar joke, srry)
170th post
Yay! This is my 170th post! WO0oHO0o!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Hi, bored, and camp
Hi every1. I'm bored. Keep checking the blog for more upd8s! REMEMBER: I leave 4 camp on Tuesday so dont expect any new posts for the 4 weeks starting Tuesday! We'll b having the time of our lives! I love all of my friends there and am looking forward to spending the greatest month of my life with them! :) I'll miss u all and blogging, but make sure to start checking my blog again at the end of July!
Video Chat
I love video chatting online with my dad! its soooo fun!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Goin' to the pool for Father's Day! FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't have an ipod, but I have an mp3. Every summer right before I head off to camp, I delete all the terrible songs and load on some new ones. I started doing that yesterday, and came across a 13 minute monologue from Fiddler On The Roof called Tevye's monologue. (That's why I named my fireflies Tevye and Monologue). While in the car on the way home, we listened to Ben's ipod touch. We played name that song and artist. It was fun. Then we went home. I did some more on deleting dumb songs and loading on new ones today. :)
Fireflies (Steve)
After we ate, some people wet home, and my mom took me, David, and Ben to the playground. We played a little bit, and also realized that Ben is really bad at swinging. Then, we ran around for 5 minutes and caught fireflies. Ben named his Steve. Steve would never leave him. We almost brought Steve into the car, but my mom wouldn't let us. I named mine Tevye and Monologue. I'll tell you why in my next post.
PS My brother just yelled at me because apparently the firefly's name was Steven! NOT Steve! Gosh, I didn't know. :(
Old Fashioned Restaurant
Yesterday with my cousins, we went out to dinner to an old fashioned diner-like ice cream restaurant. I had a burger, crinkle-cut fries, and two scoops of coffee chip ice cream in an old fashioned glass with whipped cream and hot fudge! YUM! Everyone in our family had coffee chip except for very odd Ben who just had to be different and have mint chip.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I'm bored
I'm bored....SO I'm making this post.
Family Day
Today, for my brother's little league, its family day. We watch championships, have tons of snacks, and there's a BBQ at the end. (I'm going for the BBQ and snacks) It'll be really fun! (or should I say, "Yummy!")
Homie Sibs
My bro and I made a blog called the Homie Sibs! Its awesome! Check it out!
Friday, June 18, 2010
I Gotta Feeling Science
Today in Science, my teacher did a cool demo. He turned off the lights, we listened to I gotta feeling, and this laser moved and blinked to the music!
Last night, David (my bro) and I caught fireflies in our backyard. He was too scared to touch them, so he was on jar duty. It was so fun! I love fireflies!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
TIGS interview
We got interviewed today for the TIGS peer leader group a my school. I hope I get in for next year! My application form was well written, and though it was hard to get many words in in the group interview, the things that I said were very important. I won't get my hopes up because 68 people tried out and 16 can get in. AHH!
New book
I started reading a really good book, (idk the title, its really long and makes no sense. )
Its really good! The background of the story is that Claudia is running away from home with her brother, Jamie to live in an art museum.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Hi! Me oh my! Its almost summer! EEEEEEEEEP!
Wordy Nerds
My friends Rachel and Julia and I made a new blog called Wordy Nerds! We define made-up words! Check it out!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Chocolate Milk
Yum! I'm having chocolate milk! I can usually never open these things, but it was luck that I opened it just now!
Plaid Lunchbox
I just noticed how cool my lunch box is. Its plaid!
Study Break
I'm taking a brief break from studying. I'm watching Zoey 101 in the background. It's surprisingly a good show.
150th post
(NO, I have not finished studying for LAR. I'm just taking ANOTHER quick break.) This is my 150th post! How exciting! This is a blog wide holiday! I literally just shouted with excitement! Gotta go study, bye!
Finally (again)
I've been reading this book a lot lately...and its awesome! Poor Rory, (main character) she has gotten injuries head to toe. cuts on her legs, a cut in her eye, swelling face, pussy ear, bleh! AND, she had a killer rabbit that tried to choke her to death! Jake Hallaway, the BIGGEST actor of her generation films a movie at her school and she makes friends with him! Rory gets a cell phone and a lame IM screen name. (Rory) But, she's excited to finally get these things. She almost got contacts that made her eyes green to brown, but they didn't work. GTG, STUDY for LAR. UGH! (Just taking a break, mom. Don't worry). BYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
Book club meeting
I just finished Every Soul A Star by Wendy Mass, it's amazing! YOU HAVE TO READ IT!
LAR Presentation
Today in LAR, we had to do a book talk. Mine was on My Life In Pink And Green by Lisa Greenwald. It's great!
New Template
I have a new template. DO you like it? There's also a new one on the Sachel Blog!
I just started reading a book; Finally (or 12 finally) by Wendy Mass! She's my favorite author and it's a really good book! READ IT!
I'm bored...so I'm making this new post. What's up?????
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Friday Night Services
Rachel and I went to services last night at our temple. It was fun. The after-service food was amazing! There was decorative brownies with fudge, chocolate and white chocolate chips on top, black and white cookies, and cookies with sprinkles...yum! Afterwards, my brother, Rachel and I made up a different version of Patty Cake! I started typing it, but then my brother yelled at me for sharing it with the world, even though I only have 15 followers.
I will also but this on the Sachel blog because it has to do with Sachel.
Yo YO Yo
Once, when I called my mom after school to pick me up, she said "yo YO yo!" It was really weird, yet funny. Now I sometimes say it.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Ode To June
(Sorry, I'm obsessed with June)
The water,
off of a plant,
The sunshine, powering the earth at high blast.
When we think we've had enough sun,
there's more
We race to compete,
in COLOR war in the heat,
The month that has both school and
When it ends,
it is a
Bummer. :(
LOVE June!
Enjoy it while it lasts,
(past) because you can never go back to the
Hey everyone! HAPPY JUNE! It's gonna be a great month, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, school is ending, camp is starting! oh, how i LOOOOOOOVE JUNE!!!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Funny Bunny Cool People Signature
Make sure to put the message below into ur email signature! I emailed a bunch of people and told them 2 and this is another way 2 reach people! It's in my signature and should be in urs! Its so cute! I loooooove it! :) If everyone puts this in their signature it'll be, like the coolest thing around that u bloggers can help start! Please put this is ur email signature, email people, tell them to put in theirs, and talk to them personally! Just do it do it DO IT!
(")_(")world domination! Copy and paste him into your signature too.
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