Read my blog because I talk about random elements of daily life, performances, club penguin, hello kitty, the books i'm reading, and all the other awesome things in the world!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Daily Passover Diary (day 1)
Hey bloggers! I'm here with my daily Passover as promised! I'm having a great day! Lunch was hard, though!!!! People eating chips and bread and pasta and fries all around me! :( I miss good food already!!! I like matzoh, though. Ok! Talk to all tomorrow! (Or sooner)
Monday, March 29, 2010
My 2 year old cousin Danny is soooo cute!
Family Poker
Today at the seder, we played a cousin poker game! (Jake, Sarah, Julia, Caroline, David, Ben) It was sooo fun!
Today at our seder, Julia found the Afikomen when Aunt Stacey hid it. Then, Julia hid it and David found it, then me, Ben, and Caroline.
Chocolate Matzoh
My mom makes the best chocolate matzoh!
Happy Passover!
For the next 8 days, all the Jewish people will not eat leavened bread! I'll make a daily post telling how tortured I am by not eating leavened bread!!
Tonight is the first night of Passover! It starts at 7:16!!!!
New career!
As of yesterday I am a babysitter! I babysit the Posts. There are 2 twin Kindergarten girls named Charlotte and Georgia. There so cute! I never got to babysit them, but on Sunday, I met them and entertained them for an hour and fifteen minutes! It was awesome!
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Blog-wide book club
it is time for a yet-again book club meeting. what book/books r u currently reading? r they good? i am reading take two, which is a sequel to trading spaces. i'm almost done. when i finish take two, i'm going to read little woman, which is like a 700 page book! exciting!!! before take two, i read the little princess by frances hodgson burnett. at the beginning of the year, i read the secret garden, also by frances hodgson burnett. she's a really good author!! write about ur books here!
Agent Cody Banks
Ever seen the movie agent cody banks? watching it right now....really good! :)
eater egg hunt
I don't celebr8 easter, but 2day, my block is having an easter egg hunt! they're practically hiding them almost in my yard!!! so cool! i love all the candy i get!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Original Voice of Eeyore
Did you know that the guy who had the original voice of Eeyore on Winnie The Pooh was dead and burried somewhere in Oregon?
That is a VERY fun fact!
That is a VERY fun fact!
Favorite Disney Character?
I like Winnie the Pooh, Eeyore, and all Disney princesses.
Great Greeks
In school, we were doing a project on who was the Greatest Greek in LAR and Social Studies. We wrote a paragraph and did an oral report on why they were the Greatest Greek. My Great Greek was Sophocles.
Have you ever tried looking up a random word combination in a huge dictionary? You should!!
Song writing
I am writing this post in honor of Rachel, my bffl. She has a post on her blog,, that is just like this except she worte about how she writes songs. I went over to her house, and we wrote a song together! It's called Wonders! We're gonna make a demo CD soon, so tune in for more info!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Passover Explanation (really cool) :)
For those of you who don't know, Passover is a holiday where the Jewish people join together and remember the years in Egypt that Jews were treated very poorly by their Pharaoh. He was very mean, and the Jews were slaves of him. The Pharaoh had 2 sons. One of their names was Moses or Moyse or Moshe. He was actually born to Jewish slaves. But, Pharaoh made a rule that every first born baby of a Jewish family must be killed because Pharaoh didn't want there to be too many Jews. Moses'smart mother sent Moses down the river in a basket to save him. Pharaoh's daughter found Moses and brought him to Pharaoh. Moses and his sort-of-brother were raised as princes. Moses knew he was Jewish. People think that either his mother found him and told him or he saw it in hieroglyphics. Moses saw a slave-master beating a slave for doing something wrong. Moses couldn't stand it. He killed the slave-master. Then, his father and brother were very disappointed at him and were very disapproving. After that, Moses felt unsafe around these people, so he ran away. While he was out alone in the desert, god spoke to him from a burning bush. He told Moses to go tell the Pharaoh, "Let my people go." Moses told him he couldn't because he was slow of speech. (He burnt his mouth when younger...different story). God told Moses to do it anyway. Moses told Pharaoh that, but Pharaoh didn't listen. Then, god had 10 plagues sent over Egypt. God told Moses to tell the Jews to mark their doors with lamb's blood so the angels sending the plagues would pass over their houses. After the last plague, death of the first born boy, Pharaoh agreed to let the Jews go. They left, but Pharaoh changed his mind. He sent his army after them. The Jews had to stop at the red sea because they can't just cross a sea. But, god told Moses to raise his staff and put it into the ground. Moses did that, and the red sea split. The Jews crossed, and it closed up just in time for the Pharaoh and his army to get a cross. Pharaoh and his army ended up dying. We celebrate Passover to remember the times of hardship that the Jews had. We can't eat anything raised with yeast for 8 days. (It's really hard)! (but really fun)!
Happy (almost) Passover!!!
Friday, March 5, 2010
Hi. Hola. Bonjour. Ciao. Nee-haw. Ko-neech-ee-wah. Salut. Hello. Yo. Vaanam. Goo-tehn-tahg. Jam-bo. Bonjourna.
Any more? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!!!!
Any more? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me!!!!
Helpfull hints (again) (again)
Sorry, I'm not doing helpfull hints anymore, they're really boring!
American Idol
I'm watching American Idol, i noticed that Randy is meaner than Simon now.
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