this is my last post of February! So...goodbye for the month!
date to remember: saint patricks day: march 17
helpful hint: never say it is ur last post if u hav more 2 very sad...i wanted 2 talk to u bloggers more.:(
Read my blog because I talk about random elements of daily life, performances, club penguin, hello kitty, the books i'm reading, and all the other awesome things in the world!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
hey! nearly broke my finger on thursday, haven't been to doctor yet.....REALLY HURTS!!! my mom taped it up, but its not enough. :( helpfull hint: while playing skootr handball in gym, never put ur hand on the ground, it WILL get run over!
Friday, February 26, 2010
lalalalala sing sing sing sing la la la la lo lo lee lee lee laaaaaaa!
science project
in science, we r doing a science lab report. i've already typed it, and will put it on a poster board tomorrow. its due tuesday. also, theres an extra credit lab report that we can do, and im doing it. my question is, which evapor8s 1st: salt water or regular water.
in fourth grade, we had a science fair, and i did it w/ 2 friends. our question was: how do dogs react differently w/ other dogs?
helpful hint: always think out ideas for projects clearly, never quickly.
in fourth grade, we had a science fair, and i did it w/ 2 friends. our question was: how do dogs react differently w/ other dogs?
helpful hint: always think out ideas for projects clearly, never quickly.
be-dazzled mouse
my computer mouse is be-dazzled! its hot pink! i luv it!!!
it sumtimes doesn't work tho.
helpful hint: dont judge a mouse because its be-dazzled.
it sumtimes doesn't work tho.
helpful hint: dont judge a mouse because its be-dazzled.
new disney channel episodes!
there r SOOO many new episodes on disney channel 2night! they keep going on and on and on! its awesome!
Purim shpeil
at my temple, we r doing a purim shpeil, 4 non jewish ppl, that means a play about the jewish holiday purim! i am queen esther! its exciting!!! the shpeil is on sunday, and 1 of the rehearsals was canceled becuz of the sno, so we hav a lot of catching up 2 do!
helpful hint: NEVER wait till the last second 2 memorize lines!
helpful hint: NEVER wait till the last second 2 memorize lines!
Orange puffle
they r soo awesome! but their buck teeth r weird!
helpful hint: NEVER name an orange puffle Simon Cowel!!!
helpful hint: NEVER name an orange puffle Simon Cowel!!!
Cup stacking
my brother and i kept competing at cup stacking 2day, my bro has those special cup stacking cups and we timed each other with my fone. it was really fun!
text lingo
omg-oh my gosh
lol-laugh out loud
rotfl-rolling on the floor laughing
brb-be right back
urcool-you are cool
ur-you are
bffl: best friends for life
any more? tell me!!!
i know more, but they r not important enough
helpful hint: never accidentally do the wrong txt expression, ppl may get the wrong idea.
lol-laugh out loud
rotfl-rolling on the floor laughing
brb-be right back
urcool-you are cool
ur-you are
bffl: best friends for life
any more? tell me!!!
i know more, but they r not important enough
helpful hint: never accidentally do the wrong txt expression, ppl may get the wrong idea.
Ancient Puffle Archives
I have drawings from the ancient puffle archives of club penguin!! they r the original ideas of what a puffle should look like!!!!! helpfull hint: puffles r SOOOO cute!

Helpfull hints 2
sorry, i forgot 2 add a helpfull hint 2 my last post.
Family Tree
I made a family tree on line, and shared it w/ my family members. It is soooo cool!!!! I love it! It has 96 people, 30 pictures, 1 video, and 7 members!!!! Its coolio!
Helpfull hints
As you may of noticed, I added a helpfull hint 2 my last post. I will try to start adding them to my posts now. I hope u like them.
My mom, brother, and i shoveled for SUCH a long time 2day! There was soooo much snow! It was up 2 my knees! Helpfull hint: NEVER try to swim in the show; it is VERY hard 2 breath!
Friday, February 19, 2010
Free interactive websites
Hey everyone! Here's a list of free websites that you can play on when you choose a person and interact with other people! You can chat and play! So, here are there links: club penguin (penguins) poptropica (animals) pandanda (pandas) moshi monsters (monsters) free realms (people and fairies) pixie hollow (pixies) barbie girls (people) club penguin (penguins) poptropica (animals) pandanda (pandas) moshi monsters (monsters) free realms (people and fairies) pixie hollow (pixies) barbie girls (people)
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Puffle Party
starting tomorrow in Club penguin, there will be an Olympic-themed puffle party. There will be awesome new stuff to get for your puffle AND races and events for you and your puffle to join in. There will also be new games and rooms only exclusively available during the puffle party! So, go on club penguin and head to the puffle party!!!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
I love the olympics! The only thing I like 2 watch in them is figure sk8ing!
My cousin Ben said, "if anyone is german, they get a free pencil". ben is and oddball
My cousin Ben said, "if anyone is german, they get a free pencil". ben is and oddball
Nintendogs and Nah-Jee-Wah
Hey everyone! I have nintendogs, and had 2 dogs, Snoball the male husky and Lucy the female beagle. I just won a bunch of frisbe compentitions w/ Snoball and finally got enough money to get a new dog. I went to the kennel and picked out a golden retriever. She is a girl. I named her Cookie. She is so cute!

Above is a picture of my friend mira's dog. she went to a sleep-away camp called nah-jee-wah with me. Last year was both of our 3rd summers. The picture below is of a water gun fight at Nah-Jee-Wah. We have them every Friday.

Above is a picture of my friend mira's dog. she went to a sleep-away camp called nah-jee-wah with me. Last year was both of our 3rd summers. The picture below is of a water gun fight at Nah-Jee-Wah. We have them every Friday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
February Blog Of The Month
February's blog of the month is......Julz Rulez!
It's really awesome! Julia is my cousin! copy the link into ur web browser and see her blog! its really fun to answer all of her questionaires!
(she likes Nick Jonas a lot)
It's really awesome! Julia is my cousin! copy the link into ur web browser and see her blog! its really fun to answer all of her questionaires!

(she likes Nick Jonas a lot)
Sunday, February 14, 2010
first book club meeting
what book is everyone reading?
i am currently reading: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. It is about a girl named Anne who was adopted b Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. They wanted a boy, but the orphanage gave them a girl by mistake. Anne has a best friend named Diana Barry who has a strict mother. It is a funny and heartwarming story about an orphan girl growing up on Prince Edward Island in the early 1900s. What are you reading?
i am currently reading: Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. It is about a girl named Anne who was adopted b Marilla and Matthew Cuthbert. They wanted a boy, but the orphanage gave them a girl by mistake. Anne has a best friend named Diana Barry who has a strict mother. It is a funny and heartwarming story about an orphan girl growing up on Prince Edward Island in the early 1900s. What are you reading?
A new movie is coming out, its called starstruck! click this link to learn more!
(if u cant click the link, copy it into ur web browser.)
(if u cant click the link, copy it into ur web browser.)
Bobsled course
my neighbors have a huge hill for a driveway, so they made a bobsled course! it goes all the way from the top of their drive-way to the middle of their also huge backyard!!! It goes sooo fast! They called over a lot of people to ride it! There were 4 sleds: 2 really fast orange ones, a too fat blue one, and a red one that always fell over. We tried to stick to the orange ones. My neighbor and I went on the red one for the first time together and I fell on her, then we tried again, and she fell on me! What a day! Also, a UPS driver got out of his truck, just to try our bobsled course! He got the record for the fastest time to get half-way down! My neighbor Mackenzie got the record for going the fastest all the way down! It was soooo fun!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!
What is everyone doing 2day? I'm not on vacation, so.. i am going to see a kids production of "how to eat like a child" and am exchanging valentines with people. i hope everyone has a gr8 valentines day!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Annie review on Patch! I copied and pasted this review of Annie from Millburn Patch! Check it out!
The Stony Hill Players drew a full house on Friday night for the first of six sold-out performances of "Annie," the classic Broadway musical.
"They did a great job for their first night!" said Jayne Myers, the director of the show and mother of one of its cast members. "I'm proud of these kids."
The all-child cast is comprised of local aspiring actors who range in age from 9 to 14. Cast members vary from those without any previous theater experience to performers who have acted at other community theaters, performing arts centers, in school plays, and even some TV spots.
"I see some future stars right now," commented one of last night's audience members during intermission.
Annie is the heartwarming story of an ambitious orphan who has the unique opportunity to spend the Christmas holiday with a billionaire named Oliver Warbucks. An unlikely friendship grows between the two and soon "Daddy Warbucks" finds himself heading a search to find Annie's real parents.
"Jayne and I had talked about this probably around last June or so… She wanted to do a musical for us and she thought about several but she really thought this was the one she wanted to do," said Randy Parker, the show's producer and sound designer.
From the technical side of the production, one of the most challenging aspects of this show is that it was double cast, explained Myers and Cindy Jung, the show's choreographer.
This decision was partly due to Myers' fear of the swine flu, but it additionally allowed for a larger number of kids to get involved.
"We had 150 auditioners and had to turn down 60. That was the hardest part," said Myers.
As a result, select principal roles are to be played by different actors on different days. "Cast A" is scheduled to star on January 29 and 31 and February 6, while "Cast B" takes the show on January 30 and February 5 and 7.
One cast member who is not double cast is Annie's shaggy dog Sandy, played by a 9-year-old mixed-breed pooch of the same name.
Sandy was adopted from St. Hubert's Animal Center as a puppy and has since made several acting and modeling appearances, including a previous role in "Annie" at Madison Junior School.
Twelve-year-old Hannah Skoken played the show's title lead on Friday night. She teamed up with Sandy the dog in Act One for the optimistic song "Tomorrow," which brought a huge round of applause.
"It's amazing! It's incredible!" said Skoken of her current role. "It's what I love and it kind of was always my dream role. Everybody said I would work as Annie because I have the red hair."
"My dad, he's an actor," the curly-haired rising star who hails from Bedminster said. "So I kind of grew up listening to show tunes and dancing, singing, and acting,"
Skoken drew a standing ovation from the audience at the close of the Friday night performance.
Although the "Annie" cast includes actors from Mountainside, New Providence, Far Hills, Berkeley Heights, and Short Hills, it certainly has its share of Summit stars.
Matt Mahoney, who plays Oliver Warbucks in Cast A, is a freshman at Summit High School and is performing in Annie alongside his 8-year-old sister, Grace, who plays one of Annie's fellow orphans.
"There're great role models in all the leads so a lot of the younger kids look up to the older kids," said Matt of the group dynamic.
By the end of the night, the audience had laughed out loud at the miserable Miss Hannigan, played by Kyra Morling in Friday's cast, cheered for the heroine and her friends, and had been invited to sing along during the familiar chorus of "Tomorrow" as the lyrics magically appeared on the center stage wall.
"It was great!" said one audience member who had traveled with her goddaughter from Bridgewater to see the production. "It was so well-done for a local community theater. They really did a fantastic job."
"What's so amazing," Jung said, "is that tomorrow's performance is going to be just as good as this one."
"They did a great job for their first night!" said Jayne Myers, the director of the show and mother of one of its cast members. "I'm proud of these kids."
The all-child cast is comprised of local aspiring actors who range in age from 9 to 14. Cast members vary from those without any previous theater experience to performers who have acted at other community theaters, performing arts centers, in school plays, and even some TV spots.
"I see some future stars right now," commented one of last night's audience members during intermission.
Annie is the heartwarming story of an ambitious orphan who has the unique opportunity to spend the Christmas holiday with a billionaire named Oliver Warbucks. An unlikely friendship grows between the two and soon "Daddy Warbucks" finds himself heading a search to find Annie's real parents.
"Jayne and I had talked about this probably around last June or so… She wanted to do a musical for us and she thought about several but she really thought this was the one she wanted to do," said Randy Parker, the show's producer and sound designer.
From the technical side of the production, one of the most challenging aspects of this show is that it was double cast, explained Myers and Cindy Jung, the show's choreographer.
This decision was partly due to Myers' fear of the swine flu, but it additionally allowed for a larger number of kids to get involved.
"We had 150 auditioners and had to turn down 60. That was the hardest part," said Myers.
As a result, select principal roles are to be played by different actors on different days. "Cast A" is scheduled to star on January 29 and 31 and February 6, while "Cast B" takes the show on January 30 and February 5 and 7.
One cast member who is not double cast is Annie's shaggy dog Sandy, played by a 9-year-old mixed-breed pooch of the same name.
Sandy was adopted from St. Hubert's Animal Center as a puppy and has since made several acting and modeling appearances, including a previous role in "Annie" at Madison Junior School.
Twelve-year-old Hannah Skoken played the show's title lead on Friday night. She teamed up with Sandy the dog in Act One for the optimistic song "Tomorrow," which brought a huge round of applause.
"It's amazing! It's incredible!" said Skoken of her current role. "It's what I love and it kind of was always my dream role. Everybody said I would work as Annie because I have the red hair."
"My dad, he's an actor," the curly-haired rising star who hails from Bedminster said. "So I kind of grew up listening to show tunes and dancing, singing, and acting,"
Skoken drew a standing ovation from the audience at the close of the Friday night performance.
Although the "Annie" cast includes actors from Mountainside, New Providence, Far Hills, Berkeley Heights, and Short Hills, it certainly has its share of Summit stars.
Matt Mahoney, who plays Oliver Warbucks in Cast A, is a freshman at Summit High School and is performing in Annie alongside his 8-year-old sister, Grace, who plays one of Annie's fellow orphans.
"There're great role models in all the leads so a lot of the younger kids look up to the older kids," said Matt of the group dynamic.
By the end of the night, the audience had laughed out loud at the miserable Miss Hannigan, played by Kyra Morling in Friday's cast, cheered for the heroine and her friends, and had been invited to sing along during the familiar chorus of "Tomorrow" as the lyrics magically appeared on the center stage wall.
"It was great!" said one audience member who had traveled with her goddaughter from Bridgewater to see the production. "It was so well-done for a local community theater. They really did a fantastic job."
"What's so amazing," Jung said, "is that tomorrow's performance is going to be just as good as this one."
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