Thursday, September 3, 2009


On March 14, It will be pi day NOT pie day! Here's how many digits of pi I know: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399! That's 46 digits! Yay!

AND PI!!!!!


I LOVE pie! It is soooo good! If you like pie, please comment on this page!

Yay! What's your favorite type of pie? Mine's mud! Yay mud! I love to get dirty!
Ya see the flowers over there? I wanna get them dirty REALLY badly! Yay! I love get dirty! AND I LOOOOOVE pie! PIE! yahoo! BYEBYE!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Fishys again

I just removed the fishys from my screen because I heard that it'll crash your computer if you have the fishys! so don't add the fishys to your blog!

Club Penguin Pin Tracker!


Hey! I have new pet fishys on the side of my screen! Click the tank to drop some fish food in!


Club Penguin is having a carnival! Try to find my penguin there! I always on the bunnyhill or snowball servers, and I'm on a lot in the morning, and in the evening! My penguin's name is pifferpuffer, so see if you can find me!

Club Penguin Picture Party

Hey!!!! We're having a club penguin picture party! Look at all the pictures that actual fans took of their club penguin items!!!

September's blog of the month!!

Today I am here to announce September's blog of the month! Yay! September's blog of the month is.... well, mine! I have posted a lot and, well, I can't find any blogs better! So, if you can find any good blogs for October's blog of the month, please post a comment and tell me!!!! I think that I am the most like Cadence, out of all of the club penguin specialists. She's cool, and she loves to dance!! :)