Monday, July 25, 2011

Daily Post # 1

I woke up at six-o-clock very tired, and listened to Mira, Elana, Dana, and you go on and on about your all-nighter. I wish I had stayed up! Whatevs... So, then I helped Elana carry her bag to the center of the division, then went back to the bunk and got myself ready and packed up all my stuff. I said goodbye to you and Zoe, then me, Mira, Elana, Dana, and the Hirschfelds walked over to breakfast. I had rice krispies. I practically swallowed them whole, and just as Mira and I were leaving the dining hall, it started to downpoor on us. All of my stuff got soaked! We jogged down the hill to the big rec, and easily found our bags. Ellie let me borrow her phone and I called my mom. She said she'd arrive in 20 minutes. Sure enough, 20 minutes later, there was my mom! I got a counselor (with some help from that big Pasternak kid) to carry my brother and I's luggage to our car. I sat down, and my mom handed me my phone, my babydoll (yes, awwww...), and some snacks. I had some goldfish. On the way, we stopped at Dunkin Donuts. I had a Sesame Bagel toasted with butter. It was really good! We went back on the road, and I munched on some pretzels and an apple bar. I read my bus notes and put all of the addresses I got into my phone. Oh how I love my phone! We pulled into our drive way, and I helped take all of the bags into the back hall. I ran upstairs and sat on the couch. I watched an episode of Toddlers and Tiaras (the best TLC show ever!!!!!!) and checked my email. I texted and IMed a few of my friends, too. Next, my brother went over to my cousins' house, and my mom and I went bat mitzvah dress shopping for me. We went to David's bridal, and the first dress I tried on was absolutely AMAZING. I looked like a model princess and tho it was a little over our price range (it was $400), we decided to get it anyway because it was such an amazing dress. Just my luck...was the first one I tried on! But then, the person helping us came over and said that we came too late...we can't get the dress in the size and color I want before my bat mitzvah! They said it would be ready for November and my bat mitzvah's in October! Poopy! So, I tried on a new dress that was supossed to come in before my date, but it was WAY over my price range ($600!) And it was very pretty, but it just didn't completely wow me like the first one. I tried on one more, but it was very plain. That's all we had time for, so we decided to try again tomorrow or another day soon.  I came back home afterwards, and we looked at all of my bat mitzvah invitations to try to decided the colors and fonts for mine. So far, all that we have decided is that it will be a rectangle and the theme colors will be white, navy, and pink. On Wednesday, we will go to the place and figure everything out for sure. Afterwards, I enjoyed some rye toast with land-o-lakes unsalted butter with added salt & pepper. Then I started the largest string bracelet I have ever made: 9 strings of embroidery floss. The colors are black, violet, light pink, blue, yellow, white, orange, medium pink, and red. It's turning out really great so far even though I have only made it through the color cycle about once. Afterwards, my dad took me and my brother out to a dinner of pizza at a local pizza place, La Strada. I had 2 1/2 slices of regular cheese and sauce pizza with added parmesian, oregano, and hot pepper flakes. It was really good. Afterwards, we came back here, and now I am making plans to bike with Rachel tomorrow,and  watching Toddlers & Tiaras.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


My opinion on those furry friends that link online:
First of all, they are soooo cuddly! I said last night, they are the best to snuggle and sleep with! BUT, the website is BORING. Love the cuteness tho. They are ADORABLE!!!!!! :p lol

Packing for camp

OMG I have so much camp packing to do! The past few afternoons all I have been doing is pack pack pack!!!!!! It's actually kinda fun...but we still have so much more to do! I have written out a page-long Target Shopping list that I must do, and I have to label everything, AND PACK IT UP and I only have today and tomorrow. I leave on Tuesday! Ahhhhh!!!!! Wish me luck!

Blog Back In Business!

I have decided that my blog is back in business, and I will continue to make posts atleast weekly. However, I am leaving for camp soon, and won't be back until the end of July. BRB and TTYL in August!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Wow, I feel like the only posts I make are apologies. Hope to post more soon!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I am a busy bumble bee buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing from tree 2 tree! AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaa

French months

Hey lookit I know the french months:

(?= idk...maybe I should work on it some more)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New year (almost)!!!!

Its almost New Year's Eve!!!! Yay!!!!!!! Have a great and happy new year, everyone!

NONE in November!

This is crazy! I made absolutely NO posts in November? Oh, no!!!! Well, I'll try my best to post a little more often and I'm sorry.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween- Justin Bieber

For Halloween, I'm gonna be Justin Bieber! I don't relle like him, so its gonna b hilarious. We got the wig, but its way 2 blonde so we r gonna dye it. Here is me with the wig b4 we dye it.


Im bored so....wassup?

Hey everyone! I have a account, and you should 2! Its a relle cool way 2 let ppl know wut books ur reading, and rate them, and find good reccomendations! Get an account, and email me or leave a comment if u joined


Hey everyone!!! I made a website!!! Click the link to view: Sarah Bearah

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mao's Last Dancer

Mao's last dancer was an AMAZING movie!!!! I saw it 2day. I can't explain y its good. It just is.
It is about a chinese communist boy who is taken away from his family for a better life at a bejing dance academy. he is the week-link, but becomes great. He must get married- or he will have to go back to China. He finally sees his parents again at a dance recital/

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Benefit Concert

Hey ppls! wassup? on the way 2 c 1biggamer @ a benefit concert! i herd thru the grapevine it wuz amazing!
Sarah is cool :)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Aim on blog

I didnt know that my aim could be an account on blogs, so now i am following all of my blogs i already follow with singstar98 with aim!!!! i am funkys98, look 4 me on the bottom of this page in the follower section

Watch this animation

I made this animation on miniclip. Click the link, and play tha animation to the song, "Airplanes." Its really cool!


Yesterday I saw Hairspray at the Papermill Playhouse.It was amazing! 2 thumbs up and 5 stars!!!!!!!! :)


Yesterday was 10/10/10! Its was soooo awesome!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Heyy! sending this from my fone!
Sarah is cool :)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ghosted or booed

Hey everyone! In my town, we have this thing that starts in October called boo-ing. People ring the doorbell of somebody's house and leave candy and a poem! It rox!

Virtual Families

You see that cute little family tree?? That's a virtual families family tree! It's a great game you can download on your computer! You start out with one person, and get a spouse and up to 6 kids! Keep them happy and healthy, and more and more generations will come! Make sure to make them not weak, or else they'll die!!! (I killed 3 kids and 1 adult already). Woopsie daisies! So many real-life situations happen! Its AWESOME!! Kk. Bi!


Hey guys, I'm soooo sorry that I haven't blogged in a while!!! Don't worry, I will keep blogging for times to come!

Saturday, September 18, 2010


This year, in science we are learning about meteorology. We'll be able to predict the weather! I'll probably make a weather blog! Today's weather is up there.

200th post


Thursday, September 2, 2010


I love the beach in Ventnor sooo much, but the beach in Bethany is soooo rough! In Ventnor, there's awesome fish!


I recently got an Aim. My username is funkys98. add me or leave a comment so I can add u!

Hurricane Earl

Had to leave Bethany Beach a day early cuz of Hurricane Earl...but had a gr8 time anyway. Didn't get 2 go 2 the beach much in Bethany cuz of rough waters. It was crazy!!!

Friday, August 27, 2010


I got a Skype. If you have one, send me an email or leave a comment.


I got a Skype. If you have one, send me an email or leave a comment.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Beach Tomorrow

I'm going to the beach tomorrow, and it's gonna be really fun! I'm going tomorrow (Thursday) and coming back next week on Friday. I hope it feels like I'm there forever, because when I get back, I have a few days, then school starts. And 7th grade is supposed to be the hardest year of middle school! As you know, I'm in 2 accel. classes, which makes it extremely hard! I'm going to Ventnot beach tomorrow with my cousins, Julia, Caroline, and 2-year-old Danny, then to Bethany beach with my cousins, Max, Jake, and Ben. At Ventnor, I loved to play with Danny, and when I was there with all of my cousins, he said, "I'm cold." So, to make him feel better, we tought him to touch his nose to get hotter, and his ears to get colder! It worked, we laughed, and he felt better! Then, since I haven't been to Bethany Beach all year, I'm REALLY excited! This year, my mom says we'll have more freedom since we live in this beach community called Sea Colony. We can walk to the fitness center, to get ice cream, play tennis, or whatever we want as long as we stick together with atleast one other cousin! It's gonna be soooo fun! We'll take a ferry between Ventnor and Bethany Beach, since they're VERY far away from each other. We'll leave Ventnor in the morning, eat snacks and maybe lunch on the ferry, then have dinner in Bethany Beach! I like the Ventnor beach better, because there's no jellyfish (mostly), good shells, and cute fish that we like to collect, but I like the Bethany Beach community better. Oh yeah, and then there's Funland. Its on the awesome boardwalk in Rehobeth Beach, which is right next to Bethany. It has awesome rides, and this year, Jake and I are finally alloud to ride this big upside down thing. We'd usually be able to, but are parents get 2 worried watching us. My cousins at Ventnor just got a new beach house, and its HUGE! The basement has a HUMONGOUS movie theatre screen TV! Its amazing! At Bethany Beach, there's this restaurant called Phillips. Its actually in Maryland, but we always drive to it. Its my favorite!!! Its an all you can eat buffet with THE BEST food. There's a great variety! So, I'm starting to pack tonight, and sooo excited for both beaches! Hopefully my drive to Ventnor tomorrow isn't nearly as long as our first drive! (It took 4 hours, when we wanted it to be 3 hours!) So excited! Bye for now!


I went to the Orthodontist for the 1st time 2day for my consultation. Rachel was there at the same time!!! It turns out that instead of 1 year like I thought, I'm getting braces for 18 months! (1 and a half years) That's because I apparently have a large overbite! Gr.... Its cool wen I get braces, cuz I'll get a lot of attention, but I don't want those stupid rubber bands in the back 2 correct my bite! You have to replace them a lot, like at school and stuff AND they fall out sometimes, and that's REALLY annoying! I should know since my friend Elizabeth had them.

Team list

2day, some of my friends and I made a list of ppls teams 4 skool! It was so fun! We assigned ourselves jobs and stuff. Btw, if u go 2 my skool, I'm on B.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I hav my laptop now, woohoo!!!! Its wonderfull! It rocks! If u want 2 c it, post a comment or send me an email so i can make arrangements 2 show it 2 u!
on top is a pic i got of it!

Hi, im bored

Hi, I'm really bored, so....wassup???